

For your final group projects, try to get inspired by the datasets provided, but you are actively encouraged to work in groups and develop your own ideas. These can, but don’t necessarily need to be oriented on the datasets and projects listed here:

Non-human animals:

  • Analysis of pigeon posture

  • Analysis of mouse location and kinematics

  • Synchronicity of fly locomotion

Human animals:

  • Tracking emotional facial expressions

  • Tracking hand movement and guitar chords


  • Compare tracking performance with different amount of labels

  • Compare the effect of video quality on tracking performance

Group Projects

The helpful Handlers
Detecting hand movements and different grips during typing, waving and playing music instruments
by Sarah and Sarah.

The cheeky Cheetahs
Kinematic analysis of cheetahs during hunting/running and other walking speeds
by Janna and Beyza.

The picky Pigeons
Compare tracking performance and accuracy of DLC models trained with different labels in Pigeons
by Jil, Lea, Laurin and Maurice.

The hugging Humans
Analyze multi-animal body posture and orientation on hugging humans
by Petunia.

Restless Raterality
Investigating laterality in rats during a head turning test
by Patrick and Sevim.