What does data look like#

What libraries should I import?#

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

How to read data?#

Dummy data for the following exercises is provided here.

file = '/Users/guillermo/Downloads/pose-3d.csv'
data = pd.read_csv(file, header=0)

How is my data structured?#

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 450 entries, 0 to 449
Columns: 139 entries, lefteye1_x to fnum
dtypes: float64(138), int64(1)
memory usage: 488.8 KB
(450, 139)
lefteye1_x lefteye1_y lefteye1_z lefteye1_error lefteye1_ncams lefteye1_score lefteye2_x lefteye2_y lefteye2_z lefteye2_error ... M_10 M_11 M_12 M_20 M_21 M_22 center_0 center_1 center_2 fnum
0 -11.488100 -0.391982 -6.391103 1.938121 2.0 0.999995 14.093313 -1.432060 -1.898372 2.190833 ... 0.025309 0.004592 0.999669 -0.155911 -0.987735 0.008484 136.712949 21.796899 59.925219 0
1 -11.563727 -0.248620 -6.538817 2.030270 2.0 0.999996 14.219575 -1.263471 -2.031282 1.935011 ... 0.025309 0.004592 0.999669 -0.155911 -0.987735 0.008484 136.712949 21.796899 59.925219 1
2 -11.630087 -0.129231 -6.667193 1.802676 2.0 0.999997 14.361094 -1.127249 -2.146595 1.606363 ... 0.025309 0.004592 0.999669 -0.155911 -0.987735 0.008484 136.712949 21.796899 59.925219 2
3 -11.666934 -0.057356 -6.765140 2.019693 2.0 0.999998 14.528884 -1.018296 -2.235377 1.527383 ... 0.025309 0.004592 0.999669 -0.155911 -0.987735 0.008484 136.712949 21.796899 59.925219 3
4 -11.657633 -0.022595 -6.825935 2.186289 2.0 0.999998 14.727834 -0.916615 -2.290928 1.662191 ... 0.025309 0.004592 0.999669 -0.155911 -0.987735 0.008484 136.712949 21.796899 59.925219 4
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
445 19.858564 -0.186870 3.376668 1.879663 2.0 1.000000 43.138611 -0.935498 6.239373 2.397886 ... 0.025309 0.004592 0.999669 -0.155911 -0.987735 0.008484 136.712949 21.796899 59.925219 445
446 19.828282 -0.197882 3.399467 1.926345 2.0 1.000000 43.099870 -0.936545 6.289830 2.507487 ... 0.025309 0.004592 0.999669 -0.155911 -0.987735 0.008484 136.712949 21.796899 59.925219 446
447 19.792748 -0.197968 3.419085 1.987387 2.0 1.000000 43.070633 -0.924082 6.339649 2.495454 ... 0.025309 0.004592 0.999669 -0.155911 -0.987735 0.008484 136.712949 21.796899 59.925219 447
448 19.753271 -0.185416 3.436065 1.666125 2.0 1.000000 43.049360 -0.899445 6.388871 2.244805 ... 0.025309 0.004592 0.999669 -0.155911 -0.987735 0.008484 136.712949 21.796899 59.925219 448
449 19.712078 -0.173427 3.453072 1.993099 2.0 1.000000 43.030381 -0.879919 6.437327 2.190697 ... 0.025309 0.004592 0.999669 -0.155911 -0.987735 0.008484 136.712949 21.796899 59.925219 449

450 rows × 139 columns

Cleaning data#

coords = data.loc[:, ~data.columns.str.contains(
scores = data.loc[:, data.columns.str.contains('score')]

Changing the data structure#

# Let us transform the data to be centered around a reference point
centered_coords = coords.copy()
for i in range(centered_coords.shape[1]):
    if '_x' in centered_coords.columns[i]:
        centered_coords.loc[:, centered_coords.columns[i]] = centered_coords.loc[:,
                                                                                 centered_coords.columns[i]].subtract(coords.loc[:, "nose1_x"].values)
    elif '_y' in centered_coords.columns[i]:
        centered_coords.loc[:, centered_coords.columns[i]] = centered_coords.loc[:,
                                                                                 centered_coords.columns[i]].subtract(coords.loc[:, "nose1_y"].values)
    elif '_z' in centered_coords.columns[i]:
        centered_coords.loc[:, centered_coords.columns[i]] = centered_coords.loc[:,
                                                                                 centered_coords.columns[i]].subtract(coords.loc[:, "nose1_z"].values)
lefteye1_x lefteye1_y lefteye1_z lefteye2_x lefteye2_y lefteye2_z righteye1_x righteye1_y righteye1_z righteye2_x ... lowlip_z llip_x llip_y llip_z rlip_x rlip_y rlip_z chin_x chin_y chin_z
0 21.138248 0.149274 1.339277 46.719661 -0.890804 5.832008 -22.571980 -0.471520 -9.779492 -37.820867 ... -80.979542 37.796704 -0.980286 -67.807799 -10.351668 1.195690 -76.963349 19.029902 -0.445000 -115.416169
1 21.201282 0.213704 1.322499 46.984585 -0.801147 5.830035 -22.538740 -0.402639 -9.909138 -37.677083 ... -80.990478 37.855529 -0.946660 -67.868614 -10.338881 1.200735 -76.917438 19.053691 -0.440997 -115.518292
2 21.256664 0.240579 1.302346 47.247845 -0.757440 5.822944 -22.508311 -0.368747 -10.036418 -37.536744 ... -81.001777 37.907243 -0.940885 -67.933516 -10.330400 1.193681 -76.872875 19.065735 -0.449761 -115.618253
3 21.299285 0.240397 1.274168 47.495103 -0.720543 5.803931 -22.480971 -0.356541 -10.160358 -37.410751 ... -81.009722 37.937340 -0.950328 -68.005056 -10.330788 1.182822 -76.827400 19.055308 -0.460424 -115.710979
4 21.325677 0.220319 1.235597 47.711144 -0.673701 5.770603 -22.456571 -0.350904 -10.279109 -37.310866 ... -81.007437 37.939126 -0.940040 -68.081264 -10.349203 1.157687 -76.779312 19.016472 -0.470678 -115.789328
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
445 23.060752 -0.199214 1.879664 46.340798 -0.947842 4.742368 -19.185499 1.345010 -6.506368 -41.953663 ... -71.425305 43.196517 -0.785810 -56.866667 -18.389502 1.428511 -66.358897 18.667268 0.086065 -118.640513
446 23.079261 -0.215957 1.892306 46.350848 -0.954620 4.782669 -19.195640 1.345283 -6.492639 -41.925121 ... -71.434948 43.233000 -0.798553 -56.874906 -18.308865 1.423512 -66.383337 18.711471 0.078809 -118.608907
447 23.092409 -0.221658 1.901226 46.370295 -0.947773 4.821791 -19.207953 1.350226 -6.479757 -41.894597 ... -71.446489 43.267756 -0.816412 -56.887243 -18.231429 1.421237 -66.409016 18.751617 0.062069 -118.578352
448 23.100727 -0.215898 1.907636 46.396815 -0.929927 4.860443 -19.222547 1.355703 -6.466862 -41.864912 ... -71.458910 43.300950 -0.836934 -56.901680 -18.156717 1.420305 -66.434610 18.788906 0.038433 -118.547809
449 23.107326 -0.207480 1.914174 46.425629 -0.913972 4.898429 -19.238019 1.361772 -6.453821 -41.835615 ... -71.471432 43.332800 -0.859951 -56.916573 -18.082740 1.422841 -66.459968 18.825424 0.014881 -118.516762

450 rows × 63 columns

# What is the difference between pandas Data Frame and numpy Array?
coords_egocentric = centered_coords.to_numpy()
array([[ 2.11382476e+01,  1.49273730e-01,  1.33927693e+00, ...,
         1.90299024e+01, -4.45000140e-01, -1.15416169e+02],
       [ 2.12012820e+01,  2.13704103e-01,  1.32249940e+00, ...,
         1.90536908e+01, -4.40996722e-01, -1.15518292e+02],
       [ 2.12566635e+01,  2.40579034e-01,  1.30234553e+00, ...,
         1.90657352e+01, -4.49760897e-01, -1.15618253e+02],
       [ 2.30924089e+01, -2.21658316e-01,  1.90122647e+00, ...,
         1.87516173e+01,  6.20694224e-02, -1.18578352e+02],
       [ 2.31007267e+01, -2.15897713e-01,  1.90763642e+00, ...,
         1.87889064e+01,  3.84331742e-02, -1.18547809e+02],
       [ 2.31073256e+01, -2.07480062e-01,  1.91417434e+00, ...,
         1.88254245e+01,  1.48810149e-02, -1.18516762e+02]])

Reading DeepLabCut Data#

Note that DeepLabCut files contain multiple headers

# .h5 vs csv with multiple headings
file = '/Users/guillermo/Downloads/DLC_data.csv'
data = pd.read_csv(file, header=0)
/Users/guillermo/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/IPython/core/interactiveshell.py:3444: DtypeWarning: Columns (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18) have mixed types.Specify dtype option on import or set low_memory=False.
  exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)
scorer DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000 DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000.1 DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000.2 DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000.3 DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000.4 DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000.5 DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000.6 DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000.7 DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000.8 DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000.9 DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000.10 DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000.11 DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000.12 DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000.13 DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000.14 DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000.15 DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000.16 DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000.17
0 bodyparts tophead tophead tophead neckbase neckbase neckbase tailend tailend tailend wingbowleft wingbowleft wingbowleft wingbowright wingbowright wingbowright backcenter backcenter backcenter
1 coords x y likelihood x y likelihood x y likelihood x y likelihood x y likelihood x y likelihood
2 0 736.8365478515625 440.2051086425781 0.9999855756759644 736.7742309570312 521.3764038085938 0.9882965683937073 855.1517944335938 502.51654052734375 0.9929274916648865 722.4508666992188 638.5551147460938 0.9817160964012146 848.135498046875 725.8486328125 0.5518141388893127 779.173828125 637.4671020507812 0.9575235247612
3 1 736.6965732465003 439.96420420329684 0.9999710321426392 736.6901676790957 521.3737120583947 0.9984785914421082 854.1960618426 497.6001401711765 0.041485220193862915 717.9101631977412 636.903006227701 0.9891084432601929 843.8478180157791 722.9210467101142 0.8639070987701416 777.0301382784822 636.5131135081384 0.9471402168273926
4 2 735.7040493627546 436.7637389370659 0.999962568283081 736.6576001497499 520.317367317496 0.9994844198226929 855.3453658338591 630.6766258156872 0.0038163603749126196 718.9731625027971 637.8714981367024 0.9381800889968872 709.894219318126 604.0449981131718 0.14082202315330505 777.3939321502603 636.2873536219506 0.9269355535507202
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
71921 71919 816.685736 394.333402 0.996886 747.200637 430.753285 0.99992 575.128539 563.851408 0.999976 756.409661 354.888011 0.999997 816.141309 446.039971 0.999989 672.113405 479.530765 0.999961
71922 71920 816.844076 394.197315 0.993028 747.467628 430.599931 0.999918 575.047661 564.093645 0.999984 756.498965 354.752492 0.999998 816.132225 445.987682 0.999973 672.046608 479.611423 0.999972
71923 71921 816.824561 393.841141 0.991949 747.3541 430.614478 0.999922 575.211231 564.088919 0.999988 756.520165 354.817808 0.999998 815.87947 446.139886 0.99998 672.175552 479.673533 0.999959
71924 71922 816.406188 393.766398 0.992734 747.626257 430.654457 0.999948 575.462232 564.156158 0.999987 756.487524 354.854141 0.999997 815.797104 446.552003 0.999989 672.213608 479.578535 0.999954
71925 71923 816.119821 393.876178 0.993627 747.240035 430.915333 0.999949 575.500692 563.874192 0.999987 756.474672 354.848543 0.999998 815.629617 446.596012 0.999986 672.112326 479.64037 0.999971

71926 rows × 19 columns

You can specify multiple headers in pd.read_csv(file, header=[0,1,2]), but your data frame will be a little more difficult to subset, as columns will be a MultiIndex array.

data = pd.read_csv(file, header=[0, 1, 2])
scorer DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000
bodyparts tophead neckbase tailend wingbowleft wingbowright backcenter
coords x y likelihood x y likelihood x y likelihood x y likelihood x y likelihood x y likelihood
0 0 736.836548 440.205109 0.999986 736.774231 521.376404 0.988297 855.151794 502.516541 0.992927 722.450867 638.555115 0.981716 848.135498 725.848633 0.551814 779.173828 637.467102 0.957524
1 1 736.696573 439.964204 0.999971 736.690168 521.373712 0.998479 854.196062 497.600140 0.041485 717.910163 636.903006 0.989108 843.847818 722.921047 0.863907 777.030138 636.513114 0.947140
2 2 735.704049 436.763739 0.999963 736.657600 520.317367 0.999484 855.345366 630.676626 0.003816 718.973163 637.871498 0.938180 709.894219 604.044998 0.140822 777.393932 636.287354 0.926936
3 3 734.293249 431.819332 0.999991 735.908934 517.310811 0.998731 827.010097 675.563420 0.004858 721.308479 640.070535 0.857882 796.094113 682.185972 0.460554 777.985463 635.496588 0.972686
4 4 732.744517 426.053270 0.999990 735.196591 513.924565 0.999366 791.315112 546.063109 0.032099 723.677384 638.630865 0.999613 811.859656 696.591080 0.586390 779.552232 633.139890 0.991626
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
71919 71919 816.685736 394.333402 0.996886 747.200637 430.753285 0.999920 575.128539 563.851408 0.999976 756.409661 354.888011 0.999997 816.141309 446.039971 0.999989 672.113405 479.530765 0.999961
71920 71920 816.844076 394.197315 0.993028 747.467628 430.599931 0.999918 575.047661 564.093645 0.999984 756.498965 354.752492 0.999998 816.132225 445.987682 0.999973 672.046608 479.611423 0.999972
71921 71921 816.824561 393.841141 0.991949 747.354100 430.614478 0.999922 575.211231 564.088919 0.999988 756.520165 354.817808 0.999998 815.879470 446.139886 0.999980 672.175552 479.673533 0.999959
71922 71922 816.406188 393.766398 0.992734 747.626257 430.654457 0.999948 575.462232 564.156158 0.999987 756.487524 354.854141 0.999997 815.797104 446.552003 0.999989 672.213608 479.578535 0.999954
71923 71923 816.119821 393.876178 0.993627 747.240035 430.915333 0.999949 575.500692 563.874192 0.999987 756.474672 354.848543 0.999998 815.629617 446.596012 0.999986 672.112326 479.640370 0.999971

71924 rows × 19 columns

MultiIndex([(                                                'scorer', ...),
            ('DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000', ...),
            ('DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000', ...),
            ('DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000', ...),
            ('DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000', ...),
            ('DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000', ...),
            ('DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000', ...),
            ('DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000', ...),
            ('DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000', ...),
            ('DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000', ...),
            ('DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000', ...),
            ('DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000', ...),
            ('DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000', ...),
            ('DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000', ...),
            ('DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000', ...),
            ('DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000', ...),
            ('DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000', ...),
            ('DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000', ...),
            ('DLC_resnet50_Picky_Pigeon_ProjectDec17shuffle1_1030000', ...)],
Index(['bodyparts', 'tophead', 'tophead', 'tophead', 'neckbase', 'neckbase',
       'neckbase', 'tailend', 'tailend', 'tailend', 'wingbowleft',
       'wingbowleft', 'wingbowleft', 'wingbowright', 'wingbowright',
       'wingbowright', 'backcenter', 'backcenter', 'backcenter'],
Index(['coords', 'x', 'y', 'likelihood', 'x', 'y', 'likelihood', 'x', 'y',
       'likelihood', 'x', 'y', 'likelihood', 'x', 'y', 'likelihood', 'x', 'y',

Better rename the columns of your data frame to avoid MultiIndex

data.columns.get_level_values(1) + '_' + data.columns.get_level_values(1)
Index(['bodyparts_bodyparts', 'tophead_tophead', 'tophead_tophead',
       'tophead_tophead', 'neckbase_neckbase', 'neckbase_neckbase',
       'neckbase_neckbase', 'tailend_tailend', 'tailend_tailend',
       'tailend_tailend', 'wingbowleft_wingbowleft', 'wingbowleft_wingbowleft',
       'wingbowleft_wingbowleft', 'wingbowright_wingbowright',
       'wingbowright_wingbowright', 'wingbowright_wingbowright',
       'backcenter_backcenter', 'backcenter_backcenter',
new_col_names = list(data.columns.get_level_values(
    1) + '_' + data.columns.get_level_values(2))
data.columns = new_col_names
bodyparts_coords tophead_x tophead_y tophead_likelihood neckbase_x neckbase_y neckbase_likelihood tailend_x tailend_y tailend_likelihood wingbowleft_x wingbowleft_y wingbowleft_likelihood wingbowright_x wingbowright_y wingbowright_likelihood backcenter_x backcenter_y backcenter_likelihood
0 0 736.836548 440.205109 0.999986 736.774231 521.376404 0.988297 855.151794 502.516541 0.992927 722.450867 638.555115 0.981716 848.135498 725.848633 0.551814 779.173828 637.467102 0.957524
1 1 736.696573 439.964204 0.999971 736.690168 521.373712 0.998479 854.196062 497.600140 0.041485 717.910163 636.903006 0.989108 843.847818 722.921047 0.863907 777.030138 636.513114 0.947140
2 2 735.704049 436.763739 0.999963 736.657600 520.317367 0.999484 855.345366 630.676626 0.003816 718.973163 637.871498 0.938180 709.894219 604.044998 0.140822 777.393932 636.287354 0.926936
3 3 734.293249 431.819332 0.999991 735.908934 517.310811 0.998731 827.010097 675.563420 0.004858 721.308479 640.070535 0.857882 796.094113 682.185972 0.460554 777.985463 635.496588 0.972686
4 4 732.744517 426.053270 0.999990 735.196591 513.924565 0.999366 791.315112 546.063109 0.032099 723.677384 638.630865 0.999613 811.859656 696.591080 0.586390 779.552232 633.139890 0.991626
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
71919 71919 816.685736 394.333402 0.996886 747.200637 430.753285 0.999920 575.128539 563.851408 0.999976 756.409661 354.888011 0.999997 816.141309 446.039971 0.999989 672.113405 479.530765 0.999961
71920 71920 816.844076 394.197315 0.993028 747.467628 430.599931 0.999918 575.047661 564.093645 0.999984 756.498965 354.752492 0.999998 816.132225 445.987682 0.999973 672.046608 479.611423 0.999972
71921 71921 816.824561 393.841141 0.991949 747.354100 430.614478 0.999922 575.211231 564.088919 0.999988 756.520165 354.817808 0.999998 815.879470 446.139886 0.999980 672.175552 479.673533 0.999959
71922 71922 816.406188 393.766398 0.992734 747.626257 430.654457 0.999948 575.462232 564.156158 0.999987 756.487524 354.854141 0.999997 815.797104 446.552003 0.999989 672.213608 479.578535 0.999954
71923 71923 816.119821 393.876178 0.993627 747.240035 430.915333 0.999949 575.500692 563.874192 0.999987 756.474672 354.848543 0.999998 815.629617 446.596012 0.999986 672.112326 479.640370 0.999971

71924 rows × 19 columns

What does my data tell me?#

# Does this make sense?
0     -19.892839
1     -19.914494
2     -19.930776
3     -19.937752
4     -19.923985
445    -6.321469
446    -6.313084
447    -6.304621
448    -6.296241
449    -6.288533
Length: 450, dtype: float64
# What about this?
lefteye1_x     18.106572
lefteye1_y     -0.019333
lefteye1_z      0.796235
lefteye2_x     43.672666
lefteye2_y     -0.645574
rlip_y          0.996420
rlip_z        -74.329763
chin_x         17.394544
chin_y         -0.286453
chin_z       -118.842049
Length: 63, dtype: float64
lefteye1_x lefteye1_y lefteye1_z lefteye2_x lefteye2_y lefteye2_z righteye1_x righteye1_y righteye1_z righteye2_x ... lowlip_z llip_x llip_y llip_z rlip_x rlip_y rlip_z chin_x chin_y chin_z
count 450.000000 450.000000 450.000000 450.000000 450.000000 450.000000 450.000000 450.000000 450.000000 450.000000 ... 450.000000 450.000000 450.000000 450.000000 450.000000 450.000000 450.000000 450.000000 450.000000 450.000000
mean 18.106572 -0.019333 0.796235 43.672666 -0.645574 5.586992 -21.632261 1.278443 -6.218734 -44.885085 ... -77.892073 36.387709 -0.794339 -65.950381 -14.813016 0.996420 -74.329763 17.394544 -0.286453 -118.842049
std 11.434284 0.599469 3.828957 11.505354 0.705344 4.144886 12.124253 0.803002 4.433668 11.226158 ... 6.383489 12.088332 0.708887 5.909938 12.327903 0.705005 5.116139 11.669450 0.823316 3.496960
min -18.098617 -1.145164 -6.844781 5.858257 -1.948370 -2.307151 -57.526330 -1.012775 -18.430021 -81.767449 ... -89.068969 0.151487 -2.103737 -76.193362 -50.004844 -0.675003 -84.866708 -17.538646 -1.985098 -125.301249
25% 18.225435 -0.612380 -2.954008 43.193416 -1.344781 2.123240 -22.683956 0.584199 -10.600334 -45.410591 ... -83.604016 33.761567 -1.246099 -70.754029 -16.660826 0.725735 -78.226643 15.961120 -1.119348 -121.885470
50% 19.861041 -0.047041 0.653475 46.836783 -0.575274 5.330278 -18.695114 1.352917 -6.413949 -42.622488 ... -77.400903 39.924777 -0.819950 -67.125851 -12.696178 1.048074 -74.785135 18.953581 -0.140253 -117.925277
75% 24.614006 0.572676 3.737492 48.943208 -0.011691 8.761392 -15.253385 1.890220 -3.227924 -39.535513 ... -72.539818 43.852962 -0.265885 -63.012012 -10.172126 1.509309 -71.510924 24.541857 0.266672 -115.933453
max 34.449984 0.968391 8.652052 60.024778 0.420347 14.328102 -5.669487 2.681084 2.781161 -28.287430 ... -64.906500 53.732858 0.461475 -54.243952 8.041773 2.103936 -63.094976 34.490673 0.977069 -111.792641

8 rows × 63 columns

How could my data look like#

scores.hist(figsize=(20, 20))
       [<AxesSubplot:title={'center':'chin_score'}>, <AxesSubplot:>,
        <AxesSubplot:>, <AxesSubplot:>, <AxesSubplot:>]], dtype=object)
scores.boxplot(column=['chin_score', 'lefteye1_score'], figsize=(10, 10))
x_coords = coords.loc[:, coords.columns.str.contains('_x')]
y_coords = coords.loc[:, coords.columns.str.contains('_y')]
z_coords = coords.loc[:, coords.columns.str.contains('_z')]

t = 0

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4), dpi=100)
ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d')
x_points = x_coords[t:t+1]
y_points = y_coords[t:t+1]
z_points = z_coords[t:t+1]

ax.scatter3D(x_points, y_points, z_points)
ax.view_init(11, 280)
ax.set(xlabel='X axis', ylabel='Y axis', zlabel='Z axis')

plt.title("My First Plot")
Text(0.5, 0.92, 'My First Plot')

In the following section we will learn to calculate some easy kinematic features to better understand our data.


def face_skeleton(pose):
    The face_skeleton function defines a mesh skeleton by connecting the facial landmarks as defined below.
    This function is directly passed to plot_3Dpose. 
    skeletons = []
    for n in range(len(pose)):  # read out n_components from different poses

        lefteye = [pose[n]['lefteye1_x'], pose[n]['lefteye2_x']], [
            pose[n]['lefteye1_y'], pose[n]['lefteye2_y']], [pose[n]['lefteye1_z'], pose[n]['lefteye2_z']]
        righteye = [pose[n]['righteye1_x'], pose[n]['righteye2_x']], [
            pose[n]['righteye1_y'], pose[n]['righteye2_y']], [pose[n]['righteye1_z'], pose[n]['righteye2_z']]
        leyebrow = [pose[n]['leyebrow1_x'], pose[n]['leyebrow2_x'], pose[n]['leyebrow3_x']], [pose[n]['leyebrow1_y'], pose[n]
                                                                                              ['leyebrow2_y'], pose[n]['leyebrow3_y']], [pose[n]['leyebrow1_z'], pose[n]['leyebrow2_z'], pose[n]['leyebrow3_z']]
        reyebrow = [pose[n]['reyebrow1_x'], pose[n]['reyebrow2_x'], pose[n]['reyebrow3_x']], [pose[n]['reyebrow1_y'], pose[n]
                                                                                              ['reyebrow2_y'], pose[n]['reyebrow3_y']], [pose[n]['reyebrow1_z'], pose[n]['reyebrow2_z'], pose[n]['reyebrow3_z']]
        nose = [pose[n]['nose1_x'], pose[n]['nose3_x'], pose[n]['nose2_x'], pose[n]['nose4_x'], pose[n]['nose1_x']], [pose[n]['nose1_y'], pose[n]['nose3_y'], pose[n]
                                                                                                                      ['nose2_y'], pose[n]['nose4_y'], pose[n]['nose1_y']], [pose[n]['nose1_z'], pose[n]['nose3_z'], pose[n]['nose2_z'], pose[n]['nose4_z'], pose[n]['nose1_z']]
        lips = [pose[n]['uplip_x'], pose[n]['llip_x'], pose[n]['lowlip_x'], pose[n]['rlip_x'], pose[n]['uplip_x']], [pose[n]['uplip_y'], pose[n]['llip_y'], pose[n]
                                                                                                                     ['lowlip_y'], pose[n]['rlip_y'], pose[n]['uplip_y']], [pose[n]['uplip_z'], pose[n]['llip_z'], pose[n]['lowlip_z'], pose[n]['rlip_z'], pose[n]['uplip_z']]
        face = [pose[n]['rear_x'], pose[n]['chin_x'], pose[n]['lear_x']], [pose[n]['rear_y'], pose[n]
                                                                           ['chin_y'], pose[n]['lear_y']], [pose[n]['rear_z'], pose[n]['chin_z'], pose[n]['lear_z']]

        skeleton = lefteye, righteye, leyebrow, reyebrow, nose, lips, face

    return skeletons

def plot_3Dpose(pose, elevation, azimuth):
    This plot function takes the average pose coordinates of facial landmarks, creates a skeleton and visualizes the facial expression
    in a 3D coordinate system with predefined elevantion and azimuth angles.
    skeletons = face_skeleton(pose)

    ncols = 3
    nrows = math.ceil(len(pose)/ncols)
    width = ncols*6
    height = nrows * 5

    fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=(
        width, height), subplot_kw=dict(projection='3d'))

    for ax, n in zip(axes.flat, range(len(pose))):
        x_points = pose[n][['_x' in s for s in pose[n].index]]
        y_points = pose[n][['_y' in s for s in pose[n].index]]
        z_points = pose[n][['_z' in s for s in pose[n].index]]
        ax.scatter3D(x_points, y_points, z_points)
        ax.view_init(elevation, azimuth)
        ax.set(xlabel='X axis', ylabel='Y axis', zlabel='Z axis')
        ax.set_title('Predicted Pose: %d' % (n+1))
        for i in range(len(skeletons[0])):
            x = skeletons[n][i][0]
            y = skeletons[n][i][1]
            z = skeletons[n][i][2]
            ax.plot(x, y, z, color='g')

        'Hidden Markov Model predictions with N = %d Components' % len(pose))

def split_data(data, prediction):
    The split_data function will be used to split time series data into smaller 
    chunks by the prediction variable.

    n = max(prediction)+1  # read out the number of predicted components
    data['pred'] = prediction
    grouped = data.groupby(data.pred)
    predictions = [grouped.get_group(i) for i in range(n)]
    pose = [predictions[i].mean() for i in range(n)]

    return predictions, pose
from hmmlearn import hmm
import math
# change the number of components you expect to find in your data
model1 = hmm.GaussianHMM(n_components=9, covariance_type="full")
pred1 = model1.predict(coords)
_, pose1 = split_data(centered_coords, pred1)
plot_3Dpose(pose1, 11, 280)